What would happen if there were a bouncer at starbucks?! Absolute madness, as this video prank proves!


When we think of a world where people are denied their Starbucks, we imagine absolute insanity similar to how Beliebers reacted when Justin Bieber was arrested for DUI.

One incredibly bold and funny lady decided to create a roped entry to a Starbucks, and make it so that you could only enter if you were on the list!

With many uncaffeinated and angry patrons, there’s enough drama in the subsequent video of this to fill a trenta cup!

Starbucks already has the absurdly long, stagnant lines and costly drink prices of a nightclub, and now it has an annoying, superficial bouncer too!

Ch-ch-check out the prank video…AFTER THE JUMP!!!

Josh RigneyNews